If you have great number of assets, you'll need the best security service. It's not enough if you only depend on yourself to protect all of your asset. It's so dangerous and tiredly. So what should you do? You must pick a new security expert. Nowadays, many security expert company is started.
Protect your most valuable asset first, and then the next is the lower priority. Do not try to make high priority to all things. You'll confuse yourself and make yourself to get a big problem.
So, do not wait to hire your private security expert. you'll fell safe and be protected well.
Saturday, December 15, 2007
Secure Your Asset
Posted by Fery at 9:19 AM 0 comments
Labels: priority, protect, security expert
Friday, August 24, 2007
The Subprime Mortgage "Crisis" Will Fix Itself
Hardly a day goes by without someone's proposing how to make the bad situation in subprime mortgage lending even worse. Legislators at all levels of government are contending for ownership of the most destructive idea. (One example of a thousand)
Finalists in this legislative race to the bottom include punitively stiff lending standards, foreclosure holidays and taxpayer-financed bailouts. I would like to propose a far simpler, fairer and effective course of action: let free people sort it out for themselves.
Let contractual arrangements remain in force, let good lenders prosper and bad ones suffer (similarly with borrowers) and let the taxpayers' pockets go unpicked. Legislative interference with market processes is likely only to prolong and deepen the downturn.
Legislators presiding over the subprime crisis hearings should look in the mirror and pose a few hard questions before assigning all blame to "predatory" lenders and mortgage brokers. Would we be talking about a "crisis" today if the Federal Reserve had not embarked on unprecedented monetary and credit expansion, in the process inflating a housing bubble of epic proportions similar to the late '90s Internet bubble? Isn't the entire housing edifice built on shaky foundations since Freddie and Fannie enjoy a protected lending status with all sorts of moral hazard implications? Wasn't it former Federal Reserve Chairman Greenspan who not long ago urged borrowers to shift to variable rate debt, most of which is now resetting at a perilously higher level? Is entrusting a solution to Washington putting a fox in charge of the chicken coop?
Regardless of where blame resides, the legislative options being considered are bad economics and ethically flawed. A bailout is nothing less than a wealth transfer to those who made ill-advised credit decisions from creditworthy, fiscally responsible taxpayers. A bailout postpones hard choices into the future and props up faulty credit. Individuals facing default or delinquency have less reason to curb spending habits or make other sacrifices. Lenders have less incentive at the margin to tighten credit standards if a bailout is imminent. Bailout logic is perverse, especially in light of growing evidence that a not-insignificant number of subprime defaults involve so-called "liar's loans", i.e., loans to borrowers who falsified information about their financial condition and income. Bailing out such borrowers is akin to rewarding them with a one-way free option on rising home prices.
Foreclosure holidays are equally flawed. Such laws in one fell swoop eviscerate contractual agreements and contravene the impairment of contracts clause of our Constitution. Unfortunately, that constitutional protection has been stripped of its teeth for generations.
Putting aside these legal quibbles, foreclosure holidays will lead to more foreclosures. Borrowers on the verge of delinquency will be less motivated to exercise fiscal discipline if they know that foreclosure rights are honored more in the breach than the observance. Lenders, less secure about their ability to take hold of collateral, will be less willing to lend, narrowing the refinancing options available for stretched borrowers. Ergo, foreclosure holidays will lead to more delinquencies and foreclosures just as banking holidays in the 1930s led to more bank runs.
In their rush to do something, legislators ignore that the market is a dynamic, ever-adjusting process. Credit agencies are reviewing their standards, shareholders are voting with their pocketbooks, new sources of capital are trying to provide liquidity on revised terms, mortgage insurers are recalibrating premiums and required documentation, etc.
One's ardent support of the free-market process does not mean that one is an apologist for big corporations or turns a blind idea to subprime lending fraud or malfeasance. If anything, big corporations often have a far-too-cozy relationship with Washington. Grandiose pronouncements about a public/private partnership are often thinly disguised means to create regulatory barriers of entry for smaller competitors. The free-market system can only thrive if private property rights are honored and enforced. If loan contracts were entered into via force or fraud, the court system is the appropriate forum for redress and restitution.
In short, legislators at all levels should resist the urge to meddle. Doing nothing requires discipline and intellectual honesty and will hasten the recovery.
Steve Berger is an investment manager based in Boston, Massachusetts. Send him mail. Comment on the blog.
By Steve Berger
Posted on 5/30/2007
Posted by Fery at 11:17 AM 0 comments
Labels: steve berger's article, The Subprime Mortgage Crisis Will Fix Itself
2007 Subprime mortgage financial crisis by wikipedia
What is Subprime Mortgage Crisis According to Wikipedia ?
The subprime mortgage financial crisis refers to the sharp rise in foreclosures in the subprime mortgage market that began in the United States in 2006 and became a global financial crisis in July 2007. Rising interest rates increased newly-popular adjustable rate mortgages and property values suffered declines from the demise of the housing bubble, leaving home owners unable to meet financial commitments and lenders without a means to recoup their losses.
The sharp rise in foreclosures after the housing bubble caused several major subprime mortgage lenders, such as New Century Financial Corporation, to shut down or file for bankruptcy, with some accused of actively encouraging fraudulent income inflation on loan applications, leading to the collapse of stock prices for many in the subprime mortgage industry, and drops in stock prices of some large lenders like Countrywide Financial.[1]
This has been associated with declines in stock markets worldwide, several hedge funds becoming worthless, coordinated national bank interventions, contractions of retail profits, and bankruptcy of several mortgage lenders.
Observers of the meltdown have cast blame widely. Some, like Senate Banking, Housing, and Urban Affairs Committee chairman Chris Dodd of Connecticut, have highlighted the predatory lending practices of subprime lenders and the lack of effective government oversight.[2] Others have charged mortgage brokers with steering borrowers to unaffordable loans, appraisers with inflating housing values, and Wall Street investors with backing subprime mortgage securities without verifying the strength of the portfolios. Borrowers have also been criticized for over-stating their incomes on loan applications[3] and entering into loan agreements they could not meet. [4]
The effects of the meltdown spread beyond housing and disrupted global financial markets (see financial contagion) as investors, largely deregulated foreign and domestic hedge funds, were forced to re-evaluate the risks they were taking and consumers lost the ability to finance further consumer spending, causing increased volatility in the fixed income, equity, and derivative markets.
Read More ...Posted by Fery at 11:15 AM 0 comments
Labels: Subprime Mortgage Crisis
What is MBS ?
The NHA Mortgage-Backed Securities Program (NHA MBS) was designed by the Government of Canada to help you, the Investor, take advantage of the opportunities available to make a secure investment in Canadian residential mortgages.
Through NHA MBS, the Government of Canada provides you with the opportunity to invest in housing. This, in turn, will benefit Canadians as well as help secure your own future financial well-being.
NHA MBS At A Glance
NHA Mortgage-Backed Securities are comprised of pools of amortized residential mortgages insured by Canada Mortgage and Housing Corporation (CMHC) under the National Housing Act (NHA).
NHA MBS Issuers are approved by CMHC and must be either a chartered bank, a trust company, an insurance company, a credit union, a loan company or a caisse populaire.
- There are four different categories of NHA MBS pools available to Investors: "exclusive homeowner"; "multi-family"; "social housing" (such as co-ops and seniors residences) and "mixed" (a combination of any of the above).
- Timely payment to the Investor of principal and interest is guaranteed by CMHC, who also insures the underlying mortgages, The automatic pass-through of the principal paid on the mortgages and interest (based on the coupon rate of the respective NHA MBS pool), is paid to Investors on a monthly basis by the Central Payor and Transfer Agent (CPTA), Montreal Trust.
- A wide range of terms is available - ranging upwards from 6 months to 25 years. Five-year terms have been the most popular.
- NHA MBS are RRSP and RRIF (Registered Retirement Savings Plans and Registered Retirement Income Funds) eligible.
- NHA MBS are exempt from non-resident withholding tax — an important consideration for foreign Investors and Canadian expatriates who would normally pay this tax.
NHA MBS Key Features
NHA Mortgage-Backed Securities are extremely popular, today more so than ever before. Over 45,000 retail and institutional Investors have invested more than $27 billion during the first ten years of the NHA MBS Program.
Maximum security
As investments, NHA MBS are the only mortgage-backed securities fully guaranteed by CMHC on behalf of the Government of Canada.
Attractive rates of return
Investments in NHA MBS earn returns that are comparable to GIC’s and are higher than Government of Canada bonds with equivalent terms.
NHA MBS investments offer investors the liquidity associated with an active secondary marketplace. (The securities can be bought and sold readily through Canada’s financial industry.)
Timely monthly payments
Payments to NHA MBS Investors may be made by cheque or by direct deposit into an account of your choice.
Convenient denominations
Denomination in multiples of $5,000 make NHA MBS investments convenient for all Investors.
NHA MBS Stability, Security, Timely Payment Guaranteed
Deciding on the value of an investment means balancing return on investment on one hand, with security versus risk on the other.
NHA Mortgage-Backed Securities are:
- ideal for individuals seeking a secure source of regular income with attractive returns on the money invested;
- ideal for large Investors, such as pension funds, looking for attractive yields and predetermined cash flows to meet pensioners' obligations.
Like Government of Canada bonds, NHA MBS prices in the secondary market tend to fluctuate with changing interest rates, declining as interest rates rise and rising as interest rates fall. When new issues are created for sale, their prices and respective yields will reflect the current interest rates available in the marketplace.
With today’s low inflation rate, the real rate of return for NHA MBS is very high indeed, making them a sound and secure investment.
NHA Mortgage-Backed Securities are a sound investment that offer maximum safety and attractive returns.
Their unique insurance-guarantee combination makes NHA MBS an unparalleled investment when compared to other low-risk investment options. An investment you can bank on!
And there’s no limit to the Government of Canada backing provided through CMHC. The backing applies to the entire investment, whether it’s $5,000 or $50 million. Unlike savings account balances and GIC’s, security isn’t limited to the $60,000 maximum provided by the Canada Deposit Insurance Corporation.
CMHC — Your Partner
CMHC has been helping house Canadians since the late 1940’s under its vital mandate of encouraging:
The construction of new houses, the repair and modernization of existing houses, and the improvement of housing and living conditions.Since 1945, CMHC has insured the principal and interest on more than $135 billion of first mortgage loans that have helped finance Canadian residential properties, including single and multiple family housing.
Following extensive consultations with the investment industry, the financial community, home-builders and other interested groups, CMHC launched the NHA MBS program in 1987.
Its goals are to:
- increase the availability of funds from financial institutions for housing finance;
- encourage the return of longer term mortgages;
- impact on the flexibility of prepayment privileges coupled with lower, more favourable interest rates on residential mortgages.
Our objectives are being met with NHA MBS, resulting in a fruitful and growing partnership between Investors and the nation’s housing finance industry. You can become a part of this worthwhile venture by investing in NHA Mortgage-Backed Securities.
Posted by Fery at 11:14 AM 0 comments
Labels: canada mortgage, securities program
Invest on Secure
Today, many investment type, start from the lowest interest and end with the highest interest rate.
Low or high, only the investor can choose. Low interest investment seems not to be like by most of all investor. Many investor (especially the beginner) very like high interest investment plan. Even it sounds too good to be true. Many people believe about it.
Later case, it's about iraqi dinar. Who can believe that iraq dinar will increase its value at the end of this year (knew it from the site i have found before ...). But there are still people who buy it for 'investment' as they said.
How about High Yield Investment Program, which can gives us, even 1500% return in one day (wow! maybe Bill Gates will laugh loudly and Carlos Slim Helu will sleep immediately hear that information). It's really sounds too good to be true.
Beware of the investment plan you've choosen. Remember the words : "Invest only the amount money you can afford to lose".
Be a wise people ...
Posted by Fery at 11:03 AM 0 comments
Labels: bill gates, carlos slim helu, secure investment, too good to be true
Saturday, July 21, 2007
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Bisa juga untuk jenis iklan anda yang lain
Silahkan buktikan dan kunjungi situs ini :
Omega Best :: Situs Iklan Gratis Indonesia
Posted by Fery at 12:11 PM 0 comments
Labels: free advertise, iklan gratis indonesia
Tuesday, May 15, 2007
Top and Secure Investation
Posted by Fery at 10:24 PM 0 comments